We do things differently here. If you reject the status quo of motherhood, if you're a parent that doesn't need any more "hustle" advice, or you want to be around people rethinking work and parenthood, get on our private newsletter list.

How to Do a Quarterly Review

I find monthly reviews and annual reviews both to be great processes for my business growth, but there’s something specific to the quarterly cycle that is the perfect time frame. A month goes by too quickly to gather enough data to make decisions, and a year can be far too long. If a year goes by and you haven’t checked on your goals in a while, you may wake up to find you’re way off track from where you want to be. Here’s the exact system I use in my business planning, the questions I use for reflection, and why a quarterly check-in is so powerful.

All the Single Ladies — Episode #042

As women have experienced an ‘expansion of options’ in terms of marriage and family, there are a growing number of single ladies. Less than 50% of American women are married and women are increasingly opting to have children outside of marriage. Where will this increasing age of change lead us in the future?

Decision Making With Head and Heart — Episode #024 With Bonnie Foley-Wong

How do you make great decisions in the face of emotions, complexity, and change? Bonnie Foley-Wong is an expert in investing, in decision-making, and in understanding what she calls “the head and the heart.” She left a dream job to start her own venture fund, Pique Ventures, and later got pregnant at age 40 with her first child. I ask her about tapping into intuition in the workplace and how she overcame the idea that entrepreneurship was something ‘other people did.’

Overthrowing the Patriarchy — Episode #023 With Sarah Lacy of Chairman Mom

40% of American households believe that it is bad for society if mothers work. Because sexism is a global phenomenon, you might believe this statistic to be universal as well—but it just isn’t. In fact, this kind of maternal bias against women in the workplace is a strictly American phenomenon. Diverse cultures from deeply feminist Iceland to ‘one-child policy’ China simply do not have stay-at-home moms. This interview with Pando Daily founder Sarah Lacy looks at how this staggering statistic manifests itself in the our culture, from the wage gap to maternity leave policy to overt sexism on the job. I ask her about the need to dismantle the patriarchy and her experience of maternal bias in the workplace.

Core Value #10 | Culture Change Starts With Stories

Stories are the first part of culture change. In order to create a new future, part of the process is unearthing all of the stories of what’s happened, and what’s happening. So much of the stories of motherhood and parenting are hidden or silenced, not public. To change the narrative of motherhood, we need to start by first telling the stories of what motherhood looks like, from a place of truth, honesty, and compassion.

Core Value #9 | You Have Access to Sixth Gear

Most of us have a sixth gear we don’t know about. We’re all capable of far more than we can imagine. At Startup Pregnant, we believe in the power of human potential, both individual and collective. Parenting often teaches us that we have a previously-unknown-to-us “fifth gear,” and then when faced with a challenge, maybe even a sixth gear we can tap into.

Core Value #8 | Feelings Matter

Here at Startup Pregnant, we believe in the call for a greater emotional dexterity. We believe that it’s important for each of us to experience our emotions. Not just experience them, but feel them, name them, and work with the entire range of emotions that we’re given. To us, this means that you’re allowed to be your whole self. All of you is welcome here.

Work is Broken | Core Value #6

The current version of work—the idea that we work in offices, that we work from 9 to 5, that we’re continuously productive throughout the day, at equal measures—there is overwhelming evidence that this isn’t true. Research shows that we aren’t effective in an 8-hour workday. Work is especially broken for women. And when we layer in parenting, and we try to make all of it fit together, within the paradigm that currently exists, well, what we see is that across the board, it doesn’t fully work.


Transformative conversations at the heart of working, parenting, and better living. Sign up to join us.