A private monthly podcast for you to ask questions about business, life, parenting—or anything you're curious about. A new episode every month exclusively for our Substack community members.
How to Stay Organized and Get Enough Rest → [listen]
Having More Children? → [listen]
Content Marketing Overwhelm → [listen]
Designing And Facilitating Group Programs → [listen]
Becoming A Better Listener → [listen]
Side Hustles: When and How to Start One → [listen]
Personal Branding or Business Branding, and How to Know the Difference → [listen]
How to Design, Create, and Start Your Own Podcast → [listen]
“Ask Sarah” is a private monthly podcast for you to ask questions about business, life, parenting, or anything you’re curious about.
First, if you want to ask me about anything in my life or business, you’re welcome to ask and get the inside scoop about whatever you’d like. I’ll answer, within reason, but for the most part, I’m an open book. Happy to talk about sex, money, goals, psychology, therapy, life dreams—whatever you’d like to know about.
Second, if you’d like some attention and feedback on your own life, business, or challenge, send me a detailed note using this form and tell me about your current situation. I pick challenges each month to unpack, discuss, and lend my brain to. Yes, you can share your marketing strategy, your parenting or partnership challenges, or your hiring questions with me and I’ll take the time to think through it and give you my best feedback and insights.
This podcast is available in full for backers on Patreon or members of my mastermind. Find out more about each here:

ASK SARAH #10: Starting A Podcast? Tools, Structure, Editing + More
Are you curious about starting a podcast, or in the process of starting one? I get dozens of questions about starting a podcast, so grab your headphones and listen to this episode. I’ll cover the tools I use, the way I structure the audio, content guidelines, and vocal tips.
ASK SARAH #9: Personal Brand or Institutional Brand? Which Should You Work On First?
Should you start with a personal brand or a business brand, or do both—and how on earth do you decide? In our monthly exclusive bonus podcast for Patreon backers, we dig into the complexity of trying to build a brand for your business—and your personal brand—and whether or not you should even attempt to do both at the same time.
ASK SARAH #8: Side Hustles, Personal Branding, Exercise After Pregnancy
Should you start a business on the side while you’re employed full-time? What are the risks and complications—and are you obligated to let your employer know? This is a tricky question, and a lot depends state to state. I dig into the things you should know about corporate contracts, employment agreements, inventions and assignments agreements, and why getting a lawyer to look at your contracts is a really smart investment (and shouldn’t cost you more than a few hundred dollars).
ASK SARAH #7: Parenting And Healthier Habits (The Apple Philosophy)
How do you make space for healthier habits when you’re exhausted by family and work? That’s the question I got asked in The Wise Women’s Council this month, and that I’m tackling on this episode of the Ask Sarah Podcast (our premium, private podcast for Patreon backers and WWC members—you can get access for $7/month). “I have a limited amount of discipline and willpower and I’m spending it all on my family and business. How do I keep some for myself in order to make healthier choices and feel better physically?
ASK SARAH #6: How Deep Listening Is Healing
In the last episode, we looked at how to become a better listener, and my two favorite questions you can use to have better conversations. I want to dig deeper and share a workshop all about how deep listening can be healing.
Building Masterminds and Facilitating Communities: An Inside Look At How I Design Them — Episode #140
What does it take to nurture and grow community? In this episode of the podcast, I share what I’ve learned about building communities, growing them, and designing online gathering places in a deliberate way. Not everything is as easy as it appears—getting the nuances of timing, logistics, and people right can take a lot of iterations before it comes together. Here’s what I’ve learned about facilitation, group programs, and creating a deliberate space and practices that allow people to come together in community.
ASK SARAH #5: Becoming A Better Listener
A listener reached out with a question that was so thoughtful—and I am so excited to answer it: “How did you become a better listener, and were there certain tools, programs, or books you used to study the art of listening?” In this episode of our new podcast, Ask Sarah, I share the process I’ve used to listen more deeply. I also unpack the exact structure I use on my podcast and why the framework I use sets the stage for great conversations.
ASK SARAH #4: Designing And Facilitating Groups, Masterminds, and Communities
What does it take to build, run, and facilitate a group program? In this episode, I dig into how the Wise Women’s Council is put together and my personal experiences in designing and facilitating groups, masterminds, and communities. The Wise Women’s Council is my sixth run at a mastermind. In this AMA episode, I answer how I planned out the group’s structure, created goals, figured out what works for me (and what I hope works for you) and how we can get better at creating other mastermind groups over time.
ASK SARAH #3: A Deep Dive Into Content Marketing
On this episode of Ask Sarah: The Podcast, I got a very specific and challenging question from a business owner looking to use content marketing as a lead generation tool for business. Here’s the first part of the question: What should you focus on if you’re using content marketing as a lead generation tool for your business?
ASK SARAH #2: Do You Want More Children?
You asked: Does your family feel complete now that you’ve had two kids? Do you know how many children you want to have? Do you want more children? How did you decide? Oh gosh. This is a really hard question to answer. I don’t mind talking about or sharing these things, but this one isn’t an easy one for me, and you’ll hear me get close to crying on this episode. This is part of our new podcast, Ask Sarah, where you can ask me questions about your business, my life, or anything in between.
ASK SARAH #1: Staying Organized, Rest, And Restoring Yourself
Did you know we have a brand-new podcast? Ask Sarah: The Podcast is a place for you to ask anything you’d like—about your life, my life, business, parenting, or whatever is on your mind. This is a teaser of our brand new show. In this episode, you asked: What did I do to get my kids to sleep? How do I take care of myself? What do I need to rest and recharge? I also talk about how I’ve added specific restorative practices to my life, and share a glimpse inside my partnership and how my partner and I try to make time for each other with two kids—not an easy feat.
ASK SARAH: A New Podcast For Patreon Backers
Want to ask me anything? We have a new podcast for that. Ask Sarah: The Podcast is a place for you to ask anything you’d like—about your life, my life, business, parenting, or whatever is on your mind. To listen to these full-length Q/A episodes and get your own access to Ask Sarah: The Podcast, read on. This is a private bonus podcast for podcast supporters that we record every month.