One of the great puzzles of marketing is where to start. Today, I have a lengthy episode focused on content marketing—how to do it, what social channels to use, and how to plan strategically.

Today, I got a very specific and challenging question from a business owner looking to use content marketing as a lead generation tool for business. Here’s the first part of the question:

What should you focus on if you’re using content marketing as a lead generation tool for your business?

In this episode, I dig deep into the strategy and marketing puzzle that is finding great clients and attracting them to you with strategic content marketing.

Meghan, a business owner, is looking for help creating a funnel to attract more high-quality leads to her service offerings. She helps business owners plan for maternity leave and has a deep dive planner and a coaching offering, but is overwhelmed by the amount of work and time that content marketing will take, and isn’t sure which avenue to start with first (LinkedIn? Pinterest boards? Blogging? Instagram? Stories?). 

Sound familiar? Content marketing can be completely overwhelming. Here’s how I break down how I think about starting with content marketing, and why we need to go back up the chain of marketing questions to get a clear answer.




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Want my brain on your business or personal puzzle? Send me your questions here and I’ll answer them in an upcoming episode of Ask Sarah: The Podcast.