Two Attorneys, Two Kids, And Pregnant In A Pandemic — Episode #158 with Caitlin Boland Aarab

Two Attorneys, Two Kids, And Pregnant In A Pandemic — Episode #158 with Caitlin Boland Aarab

You all have been asking to hear how other moms and small business owners are navigating the pandemic right now. I’ve been interviewing working parents about how they’ve been affected by the pandemic. Today we take a look at Caitlin Boland Aarab: she and her husband are both attorneys, and they own their own law firm in Great Falls, Montana. They have two kids at home and she’s pregnant with their third kid. When everything shut down, the kids were sent home from school—but the courts weren’t closed. Work was still in session.

Stuck? Overwhelmed? Getting Out Of A Rut — Episode #156

Stuck? Overwhelmed? Getting Out Of A Rut — Episode #156

How do you push the reset button—that ability to feel like you’ve had a fresh cup of coffee, a good night of sleep, and you’re ready to go at work? While we’re all clawing at sanity and sobbing quietly into our fourteenth cup of coffee, it’s really hard to find the capacity to work and keep your head above water right now. Today’s episode is for anyone trying to find a semblance of sanity amidst all of this. If you’re stuck, feeling overwhelmed, feeling like you’re in a rut—here are a few things that are working for me.

Let’s Talk: A New Podcast With Sarah K Peck — Episode #155: An Announcement

Let’s Talk: A New Podcast With Sarah K Peck — Episode #155: An Announcement

So, you know when you’re watching your favorite TV show, and you realize that the side-story of the show is quickly becoming it’s own plot? That is happening to me right now, and after spending the last ten weeks podcasting from my stay-at-home orders in New York City, I realized that I may accidentally be starting a new podcast. One I’d love to introduce you to. Here’s a brand-new podcast that I hope you’ll join me on.

How To Do An End-Of-Year Annual Review

How To Do An End-Of-Year Annual Review

Every year I sit down and use these ten questions to reflect back on the year, and to look forward and think about the year ahead. Doing an annual review has been one of my favorite practices. Here’s how to do your own.