Want me to answer your burning questions? 

Every week, I get questions from listeners about business, life, parenting—and more. And I want to answer them! From building a company vision to dealing with burnout to negotiations in your partnership, I’m willing to go there and share everything I know.

So, we are experimenting and trying something new here at Startup Pregnant. We’re starting a private monthly podcast, a fireside chat session between me and you. From time to time I’ll bring on guest experts to help answer the questions, and you’ll get to listen in to all of the challenges people bring our way.

Right now, I’ve got a long list of questions from all of you, and I’ll be rolling through them and publishing these conversations as a private Q/A podcast. In today’s episode, I’ll share with you how to submit your question to us, some of the juiciest questions we have so far, and what you can do to get access to this private podcast.


Head to www.startuppregnant.com/question to submit your question on parenting, life, business—or whatever is on your mind! We will listen to the questions and answer them in our monthly private podcast episode.


When you become a backer on Patreon at the $7/month level, you’ll get exclusive access to all of these episodes, including the back catalog of past episodes. Head to www.patreon.com/startuppregnant to become a backer and get immediate access to the episodes.