by Sarah K Peck | March 14, 2020
My family is currently working from home and practicing social isolation measures. We’ve been home from school and daycare and work since Thursday, March 12th. In this episode, I’ll walk through why we’re doing this, what the outbreak looks like, and what you can do to prepare.
by Sarah K Peck | March 9, 2020
When it comes to online courses, it seems that we can learn anything these days through the power of the internet. But what courses should you take, and what do you do if you suffer buyer’s remorse? Here’s how I think about what to learn, when to invest in a course, and when to skip it. Also, my two cents on why it’s okay to only do a fraction of the course curriculum. If you learned what you came for, you got what you needed!
by Sarah K Peck | March 5, 2020
If you can, bring a group of people together for a dinner or a virtual hangout to talk about the challenges facing working parents. Here are the ways we gather together in community at Startup Pregnant, plus ten conversation starters to use for your own deep-dive. Use them to gather people together. Have everyone share what comes up for them. Sometimes sharing your story is the shift you need to make the next month a whole lot better.
by Sarah K Peck | February 7, 2020
Every year, we award up to four partial scholarships to exceptional candidates for The Wise Women’s Council. Learn more about our scholarship program and apply to join us today.
by Sarah K Peck | February 3, 2020
One of the things I wasn’t expecting as a new parent was how much my kid would get sick. Then someone explained to me how the kiddos are building their new immune system, and I started collecting tips and tricks for how to deal with the onslaught of the cold and flu season. Here’s what’s helped us keep SOME of those colds away.
by Sarah K Peck | January 27, 2020
There are so many ways to work—what happens if you’re a performer, and your body, image, and athleticism are your livelihood? Tanya Birl-Torres is a dancer, performer, and choreographer who spent a decade on stages, performing in Broadway shows like The Lion King. She performed throughout her first pregnancy and was back on stage quickly after the birth of her daughter. Here’s her story.