by Sarah K Peck | March 5, 2020
If you can, bring a group of people together for a dinner or a virtual hangout to talk about the challenges facing working parents. Here are the ways we gather together in community at Startup Pregnant, plus ten conversation starters to use for your own deep-dive. Use them to gather people together. Have everyone share what comes up for them. Sometimes sharing your story is the shift you need to make the next month a whole lot better.
by Sarah K Peck | February 24, 2020
What do you do when you’re feeling overwhelmed with invitations and requests? Setting boundaries and saying no can feel impossible and get the best of us stuck. Well, I’ve got five words for you, and you can use them to say no simply, easily, and cleanly in almost any situation. Yup, it’s a script for you to use—steal these words and keep them in your back pocket for the future.
by Sarah K Peck | February 18, 2020
Last week, we hosted an Open House in our Facebook Group all about the upcoming Wise Women’s Council. I was joined by Michelle Florendo, one of our coaches for this year’s group of women. We chat about The Wise Women’s Council, the impact it has, the reason she joined for two years in a row (and why she’s back for a third). Together, we answered common questions people have about the program and the process.
by Sarah K Peck | February 10, 2019
Last year we launched our first mastermind community for a group of talented, inspiring women entrepreneurs, thinkers, and do-ers. Now, it’s back for our 2019 round and we would love to have you join us. It’s a nine-month program for women change makers to come together to think through the puzzles of what it means to be a woman, a business owner, and a parent all at the same time (or pretty close to the same time).
by Sarah K Peck | September 29, 2017
For the better part of the last year, I’ve been interviewing women about their stories in entrepreneurship, tech, leadership, and parenting. We gathered sponsors in early April and started recording episodes in June. Over the summer, we recorded the first ten episodes, researched and studied the stories of some truly fascinating women, brought on a sound editor, and started piecing together the show. We just submitted the show to iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play. Late last night, all three of them approved our show and we are so excited to say that the show is live!