by Sarah K Peck | June 11, 2018
There is a lot of cultural pressure to figure it all out on your own, but you don’t have to. You can build communities of people around you and support each other in the decision-making process. Listen in to hear the benefits of joining (or starting!) your own mastermind group.
by Sarah K Peck | May 28, 2018
Put two people in a room together for any length of time, and you’re going to encounter differences of opinion. Engage in any partnership—business, personal or parent-child—and differing experiences will eventually manifest a misalignment of wants and needs. So how can we meet in the middle?
by Sarah K Peck | March 5, 2018
Rebranding your business is a risk. How can you be sure it’s the right time? Tara Gentile can attest to the fact that there is no easy framework for making that decision. But a good place to start is by asking the question, “What is the company that I really want to build?”