Why to Join a Mastermind (And How to Start Your Own)

It’s tough enough for entrepreneurs to carry the psychological weight of being the key decision-maker in their business, but things are further complicated if you also happen to be a new parent. Now you’re under immense pressure to make good choices when you are functioning at less than 100%. How do you exercise the best possible judgement when you are sleep-deprived, and a tiny human is making regular demands on your time and attention?

There is a lot of cultural pressure to figure it all out on your own, but here’s the secret: You don’t have to. You can build communities of people around you and support each other in the decision-making process. You can connect with other new parents and entrepreneurs and puzzle it out together by way of a mastermind group.

Today, I’m sharing the working definition of a mastermind, its basic structure, and the myriad of benefits such groups can provide. In addition, I discuss the pros and cons of starting your own versus investing in a paid group. Listen in as I walk you thought the step-by-step process of launching a mastermind and learn the inestimable value of a community dedicated to mutual growth and improvement.

The Startup Pregnant Podcast Episode #060

Some quotes from the episode

  • “A mastermind is a group of people that come together regularly, and they’re dedicated to mutual growth and improvement.”
  • “A mastermind provides space to unlock puzzles, to dig into challenges, to figure stuff out alongside other people.”
  • “You’re each coming together for your individual success but relying on the brain of the group to help figure it out.”
  • “What’s important is that you have a shared vision or common ground with the other members.”
  • “For me, one of the biggest un-learnings of the past decade has been this idea that I’m supposed to figure it out on my own.”
  • “We constantly undervalue the importance of community and community effort in our success, and it’s something … that hits women the hardest. We’re somehow supposed to do this all alone, and the path of both parenting and entrepreneurship most decidedly cannot be done alone.”
  • “Your mastermind will serve a purpose. Get clear on what it is: Are you there to help people grow and develop and shape each other? Do you want to hold people accountable? Do you want a space to provide smart feedback?”
  • “Your time and energy might actually be better spent paying someone else to do the organizing for you, provided they have the things that you want: the connections to the people, the network, the leadership, the facilitation.”
  • “I cannot overemphasize the importance of building communities around you, especially before you need them.”



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