Life Happens — #045

Life Happens — #045

Even if you planned every moment down to the last second, there is always an element of unpredictability that can come into play: life happens. How can we embrace these unexpected curves, breathe, be patient and see what comes next?

All the Single Ladies — Episode #042

All the Single Ladies — Episode #042

As women have experienced an ‘expansion of options’ in terms of marriage and family, there are a growing number of single ladies. Less than 50% of American women are married and women are increasingly opting to have children outside of marriage. Where will this increasing age of change lead us in the future?

Core Value #10 | Culture Change Starts With Stories

Core Value #10 | Culture Change Starts With Stories

Stories are the first part of culture change. In order to create a new future, part of the process is unearthing all of the stories of what’s happened, and what’s happening. So much of the stories of motherhood and parenting are hidden or silenced, not public. To change the narrative of motherhood, we need to start by first telling the stories of what motherhood looks like, from a place of truth, honesty, and compassion.

Core Value #7 | You Don’t Have to Do Things the Way They’ve Always Been Done

Core Value #7 | You Don’t Have to Do Things the Way They’ve Always Been Done

You don’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done. And startups are one of the best places to imagine new futures. It’s okay to break things, to rebuild things, and to do things differently than the way that they’ve always been done. Startups and Pregnancy have a lot in common because they are both creators of new things—ideas, businesses, structures, life—and to do so, they harness a huge range of power.

Core Value #5 | Things Rarely Go According to Plan

Core Value #5 | Things Rarely Go According to Plan

Babies are the ultimate plan-changers. Inviting a human into your life is inviting chaos in. There’s no right or perfect time to start a business, or have kids. Slowly, parenting and pregnancy (and life) teach us that we don’t have control over everything.