The Power Of Sisterhood

Nisha Moodley came to understand the power of sisterhood by accident. She started a group coaching program simply because she was out of one-on-one slots and something magical happened: The women involved experienced profound, lasting transformation.

Since then, Nisha’s work has come to focus on the power of women in groups to create a nourishing container that supports growth and expansion—a place of sensitivity, resilience, and compassion where women can rise in leadership.

Today, Nisha joins me to explain how she facilitates connection with groups of women, both in-person and online. She shares her pregnancy and parenting journey, including the messy experience of dealing with a lot of repressed anger and what it taught her about her values. I ask Nisha how her business has changed now that she’s a parent, and she offers insight around society’s responsibility to take care of mothers. Listen in for Nisha’s take on the power of sisterhood to create a safe space for truth!

The Startup Pregnant Podcast Episode #069

Some quotes from the episode 

  • “How do we embrace and embody our sensitivity and our resilience? How can we fully embody integrity and sovereignty, curiosity, luminosity—all of these qualities?”
  • “I was having this first-time experience what it felt like to have a woman in my life really call me deeper into connection, caring, and vulnerability—and how powerful that was.”
  • “Because they were sharing, the shame … was being lifted. And when the shame was lifted, there was actually a space to come face-to-face with whatever the challenge was. Then the transformation could happen.”
  • “Sisterhood was providing this container, this space to actually move through a lot of that shame—and I was hooked.”
  • “It’s great to write it out when I’m IN the intensity of the emotion. It’s not always the right time to send it.”
  • “There’s something beautiful about harnessing the intensity of emotion.”
  • “If I am terrified to entertain the thought of something, it’s probably something I need to entertain the thought of so that I’m free.”
  • “I wanted to have the purity of desire [to be a mother] without the crushing results of attachment.”
  • “Yes, I still feel called to have a child, and if it doesn’t happen, I’m also very committed to having a really extraordinary life.”
  • “How do I get underneath [my rage] and get curious about what it’s showing me is important to me? And then, what’s underneath that?”
  • “The purpose of [meditation] is to help me be able to see with greater clarity what to do with the intensity of the emotion; it’s not the thing that manages the emotion.”
  • “One of the greatest gifts I can give my child is to love myself, and that is not an easy thing. That is life-long work.”
  • “This is a responsibility that we have as a society to recognize that the people who are caring for some of our most vulnerable beings, young children, are overwhelmed, overworked, stressed out, physically depleted, emotionally frazzled… That’s not a woman problem or a mother problem—it’s everyone’s issue.”


Nisha Moodley is the founder and CEO of Nisha Moodley International, an organization that facilitates retreats, masterminds and coaching for ambitious women with a focus on heart-mind-message alignment. She is also the founder of Global Sisterhood Day, a worldwide event celebrating and supporting the connections between women. Nisha is passionate about helping women step more fully into their role as leaders with an expanded sense of freedom.



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