by Sarah K Peck | April 12, 2021
If you haven’t heard the story of how the Wise Women’s Council started, listen in as we talk about what it took to create a program while five months pregnant and a young toddler at home. Business as usual wouldn’t work, so Sarah asked how to design a business and a high-touch mastermind community differently. The early version of the Wise Women’s Council was forged with a network of teachers and coaches, and has focused on resilience and flexibility since the beginning.
by Sarah K Peck | November 22, 2017
Here at Startup Pregnant, we believe in the call for a greater emotional dexterity. We believe that it’s important for each of us to experience our emotions. Not just experience them, but feel them, name them, and work with the entire range of emotions that we’re given. To us, this means that you’re allowed to be your whole self. All of you is welcome here.
by Sarah K Peck | November 17, 2017
Babies are the ultimate plan-changers. Inviting a human into your life is inviting chaos in. There’s no right or perfect time to start a business, or have kids. Slowly, parenting and pregnancy (and life) teach us that we don’t have control over everything.