by Sarah K Peck | August 6, 2021
You’re not insane, you’re not wrong, you’re not broken, and you’re not a terrible parent or a terrible worker if you’re having a hard time getting work done while also sustaining the full-time job of caring for a baby. Taking care of a baby is a huge job, one that requires the work of multiple adults. But instead, we ask women to do it all, without help or support, and then to work additional jobs on top of the round-the-clock work of childcare. It’s impossible.
by Sarah K Peck | June 29, 2020
Kelsey Kerslake runs a design agency as well as a coaching business, and has a young kiddo at home who just turned one. Her husband is an essential worker, so she hasn’t had a minute of childcare or backup help throughout all of this. Here’s how she is rescheduling her days and dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. Her question—can she keep working on a reduced schedule and still have the same impact?
by Sarah K Peck | February 17, 2020
What does it take to nurture and grow community? In this episode of the podcast, I share what I’ve learned about building communities, growing them, and designing online gathering places in a deliberate way. Not everything is as easy as it appears—getting the nuances of timing, logistics, and people right can take a lot of iterations before it comes together. Here’s what I’ve learned about facilitation, group programs, and creating a deliberate space and practices that allow people to come together in community.
by Sarah K Peck | October 14, 2019
For our fall podcast hiatus, Sarah’s on a break so she can focus on writing. In this first update, she shares how much changed even in the first week of making a decision to pause—and why making space was so important. (Plus, a huge piece of hers was published in Harvard Business Review the week she decided to pause—coincidence? You decide!)
by Sarah K Peck | September 9, 2019
We’re back from summer hiatus, and it was wonderful. In this episode, I share how we set up a family sabbatical, why breaks are essential for entrepreneurs, and what’s next on the horizon for Startup Pregnant. If you’re struggling with entrepreneur burnout, if you’re in need of a break, or you’re curious about what’s coming up next on the show, come join and listen in.
by Startup Parent | July 22, 2019
Motherhood, work deadlines, unexpected projects—chaos can descend quicker than you can make your morning coffee. Here are three tools we love to regain focus and clarity.