If you feel like you don’t have enough time for it all, you might be right.

I’m tired of all the advice to hustle harder and put better productivity systems in place. I’m great at systems and great at productivity and I’m really good at working harder.

Sometimes you don’t have more bandwidth to give, or more strategy to apply.

For me, realizing that I have to shift things around and really focus—and prioritize—has been painful yet key in building my business.

I cannot claim to be able to podcast, write books, run a business, be a parent, get enough sleep, and stay well-connected in all of my friendships. That would be a lie. I’m tired of being sold this lie.

If you’ve been following along on the podcast, I’m sharing my real-time decision to ‘pause’ the podcast while I bring something else into focus: the writing and publishing work I want to do both for myself and for Startup Pregnant. I’m taking you behind-the-scenes of my other projects, and giving you a glimpse into how it’s working.

Why? Because these shorter mini-episodes take me significantly less time than the longer-form interview podcasts, and I’m publishing them only as frequently as I can manage.

Join me this Fall as I share how it’s going, and we’ll be back with longer episodes when the time is right.

P.S.: If you’re hankering to join us for the next 90 days and you want to focus on getting one thing done by the end of the year, take a listen to the previous episode, The Next 90 Days, and join us in our Facebook Group and tell us what you’re working on for the rest of 2019.

The Startup Pregnant Podcast Episode #129

  • By the way, if you write about something or you pick something for your business that you want to focus on, be prepared to be next-level challenged in that arena. If you want to talk about boundaries, oh boy, get ready to test your boundaries. It’s going to be like, ‘Oh, you want to level up in this? You want to be a leader in this? Let’s give you the deep stuff. Let’s give you the hard stuff.’
  • We have to take a different kind of stance for the work we’re doing in order to get the results that we want to get.
  • I am fine with being patient and waiting and having slower, deeper communication chains where it takes weeks or months to see progress. Okay, maybe I’m not fine with it, but I’ll do it—I can hang on like the best of them. I’ll still be here, making it happen.
  • “Hustle harder” is bullshit advice for parents. I don’t think it’s useful advice for women entrepreneurs who are parenting, raising kids, running households, because you’re already sleep deprived and managing the mother load. You’re already the definition of hustle—you hustle from 4AM or 5AM to 10PM and keep going overnight, so “hustle harder” as a strategy is just bullshit.

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