Are You An Entrepreneur? An Inside Peek At The Wise Women’s Council — Episode #133

Are You An Entrepreneur? An Inside Peek At The Wise Women’s Council — Episode #133

We need more places to grapple with the reality of entrepreneurship and parenting: the grief, the rage, the sadness, the confusion, the joy, the sorry, the changes. The journey to figuring things out, creating new life, and building new businesses can be scary, overwhelming, and hard. Today we listen in as three women share their journeys over the last year, and what they’ve learned about themselves through the process.

The Wise Women’s Council — Episode #098

The Wise Women’s Council — Episode #098

We’re opening up applications for the 2019 mastermind, the Wise Women’s Council. If you’re looking for a community of like-minded women navigating motherhood and entrepreneurship, listen to this episode for all of the program details and how to apply.