by Sarah K Peck | February 17, 2020
What does it take to nurture and grow community? In this episode of the podcast, I share what I’ve learned about building communities, growing them, and designing online gathering places in a deliberate way. Not everything is as easy as it appears—getting the nuances of timing, logistics, and people right can take a lot of iterations before it comes together. Here’s what I’ve learned about facilitation, group programs, and creating a deliberate space and practices that allow people to come together in community.
by Sarah K Peck | February 3, 2020
One of the things I wasn’t expecting as a new parent was how much my kid would get sick. Then someone explained to me how the kiddos are building their new immune system, and I started collecting tips and tricks for how to deal with the onslaught of the cold and flu season. Here’s what’s helped us keep SOME of those colds away.
by Sarah K Peck | January 27, 2020
There are so many ways to work—what happens if you’re a performer, and your body, image, and athleticism are your livelihood? Tanya Birl-Torres is a dancer, performer, and choreographer who spent a decade on stages, performing in Broadway shows like The Lion King. She performed throughout her first pregnancy and was back on stage quickly after the birth of her daughter. Here’s her story.
by Sarah K Peck | December 30, 2019
We need more places to grapple with the reality of entrepreneurship and parenting: the grief, the rage, the sadness, the confusion, the joy, the sorry, the changes. The journey to figuring things out, creating new life, and building new businesses can be scary, overwhelming, and hard. Today we listen in as three women share their journeys over the last year, and what they’ve learned about themselves through the process.
by Sarah K Peck | October 14, 2019
For our fall podcast hiatus, Sarah’s on a break so she can focus on writing. In this first update, she shares how much changed even in the first week of making a decision to pause—and why making space was so important. (Plus, a huge piece of hers was published in Harvard Business Review the week she decided to pause—coincidence? You decide!)
by Sarah K Peck | September 30, 2019
As we gear up for Fall, I feel the urge to stop this podcast for a while. To be honest, it scares me a little—I can’t stop, can I? I took this question to the group of smart women in our online Startup Pregnant community group and got a ton of wonderful feedback. Here’s what’s happening with our podcast for the coming season, and why the format (and release dates) are shifting a bit.