by Sarah K Peck | March 21, 2020
Anxiety and worry can wear down on you and your nervous system. It makes sense that you will feel exhausted through it all. It’s likely that you all will be hit by waves of exhaustion. Navigating children at home, caretaking, designing new strategies for work, going into overdrive with your businesses, taking care of employees, sprinting on strategies, and everything you’ve got going on is hard. Here’s permission to sleep (or at least take a tiny cat nap).
by Sarah K Peck | December 18, 2019
Did you know we have a brand-new podcast? Ask Sarah: The Podcast is a place for you to ask anything you’d like—about your life, my life, business, parenting, or whatever is on your mind. This is a teaser of our brand new show. In this episode, you asked: What did I do to get my kids to sleep? How do I take care of myself? What do I need to rest and recharge? I also talk about how I’ve added specific restorative practices to my life, and share a glimpse inside my partnership and how my partner and I try to make time for each other with two kids—not an easy feat.
by Sarah K Peck | November 19, 2018
Pregnant women and new moms deal with fatigue on a grand scale. Our bodies are doing a lot of work, and we are sleep deprived like never before. So, how do you function?
by Sarah K Peck | August 8, 2018
This letter is as much a note to myself as to all of you: taking time to nap, to rest, to say no, and to cross things off your to-do list without doing them (or destroying the to-do list altogether!) is about as badass as you can get in a world that glorifies overwork and overdoing.