Fostering a Community of Breastfeeding & Pumping Mamas — Episode #079 With Amy VanHaren
Amy VanHaren uncovered a need in her personal life, and a creative idea was born. While she loved breastfeeding, Amy had no choice but to get back to work six weeks after her son was born.
Loving Yourself, Mental Health, Starting a Business — Episode #078 With Mason Aid
Learning to love yourself is a process, and for Mason Aid, it began when they came out as gender queer. Mason joins me to share their parenting journey.
A Kind of Freedom — Episode #077 With Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
How do you give yourself the freedom to pursue something you love? Margaret Wilkerson Sexton was working at a prestigious law firm when she took that leap.
Hacking Parenting, Mindfully & Intentionally — Episode #076 With Asha Dornfest
Can parenting be done mindfully, giving your intuition the same weight as what you are reading and hearing from the experts? Can we hack parenting?
Create a Systems Manual and Operating Best Practices for Your Family — Episode #074 With Renée Warren
Renée Warren applied a business philosophy to her home life by holding meetings and setting goals based on their values. And that changed everything.