Differences Of Opinions — #058

Differences Of Opinions — #058

Put two people in a room together for any length of time, and you’re going to encounter differences of opinion. Engage in any partnership—business, personal or parent-child—and differing experiences will eventually manifest a misalignment of wants and needs. So how can we meet in the middle?

Within Your Control: An Exercise — Episode #048

Within Your Control: An Exercise — Episode #048

Feeling like we can’t control the outcomes can often leave us stranded, without motivation or, not surprisingly, angry. How can we reframe those goals to reflect the things we can control? And make peace with the fact that we did everything we could, even if it doesn’t work out?

All the Single Ladies — Episode #042

All the Single Ladies — Episode #042

As women have experienced an ‘expansion of options’ in terms of marriage and family, there are a growing number of single ladies. Less than 50% of American women are married and women are increasingly opting to have children outside of marriage. Where will this increasing age of change lead us in the future?