by Sarah K Peck | January 22, 2018
Is taking maternity leave an option for women who run their own business? Stacey Trock of FreshStitches on scaling back and the necessity of keeping one day schedule-free.
by Sarah K Peck | December 25, 2017
How do we respond to unexpected changes that uproot our dreams? Learn how Bridget Gleason of utilized an unplanned life change to grow her leadership skills and become a stronger single parent.
by Sarah K Peck | November 24, 2017
Stories are the first part of culture change. In order to create a new future, part of the process is unearthing all of the stories of what’s happened, and what’s happening. So much of the stories of motherhood and parenting are hidden or silenced, not public. To change the narrative of motherhood, we need to start by first telling the stories of what motherhood looks like, from a place of truth, honesty, and compassion.
by Sarah K Peck | May 4, 2017
There is one thing that has disappointed me more about motherhood that I’ve been struggling to to put into words. It reveals the cracks and the gaps in the way we’ve built our society, in the way we culture, in the way we show up for each other.