My Entire World Changed Overnight—Episode #136 with Priti Krishtel

My Entire World Changed Overnight—Episode #136 with Priti Krishtel

The process of adopting a child can be long, laborious and fraught with uncertainty. You never know when you’ll get the call or how long it will take, or when you might become a parent. For Priti Krishtel, she got the call late one night that her kid was here, and she jumped on a plane to be at the hospital on the other side of the country just 24 hours later.

Third Trimester Pregnancy Anxiety—the Good, Bad, and Hard

Third Trimester Pregnancy Anxiety—the Good, Bad, and Hard

Sometimes when things get harder, they actually get easier. The third trimester of pregnancy was the hardest for me. I got besieged by an unspeakable anxiety and inability to sleep. I thought I had August and September to work productively. My plans were all lined up,...