by Mellisa Reeves | December 8, 2017
Our culture is shockingly poor at making any space for the experience, or even the possibility, of loss and grief. It’s no wonder that we protect the secret of pregnancy (and ourselves) until we feel we’ll receive a warmer, safer reception. We may have heard these messages enough over the years through pervasive cultural norms and experiences that we are telling ourselves the same things, to make it easier. To make it less painful. But what if this cultural norm does not actually serve us well? What if it isolates us when what we really need is connection and silences us when we need a voice?
by Sarah K Peck | June 26, 2017
What does it take to leave a career in venture capital to join a shipping startup—in between your first baby and second baby? Today we get to interview Renee DiResta, co-founder and Director of Marketing at Haven. Renee worked previously in Venture Capital, and before that, on Wall Street. To join a startup with two small kids required some specific negotiations.
by Sarah K Peck | January 20, 2017
One of the hardest parts about pregnancy is dealing with all of the symptoms and side effects. One ways to deal is with hydration. But water isn’t enough. Here’s how I handled it and what worked for me.
by Sarah K Peck | April 29, 2016
Sometimes we get really good at things in life that we have no interest in being good at. Today began as some of the less fun pregnancy days have begun — I woke up at 3am, my stomach hurting, my mouth dry, thirsty, but scared to drink water — afraid that if I drank...
by Sarah K Peck | April 13, 2016
I find pregnancy to be quite weird. My body has taken over. It’s running a long-embedded script I didn’t know I had inside of me. I’ve taken to writing short bits on twitter under the hashtag #pregrealities. Something about Twitter makes me feel like I actually...