The Chaos And Unpredictability of Birth (Especially In A Pandemic)

The Chaos And Unpredictability of Birth (Especially In A Pandemic)

My first child was born on Mothers’ Day, 2016, the day before our anniversary. It blew me open, ripped my birth canal vagina more than I would have liked, and turned so much of my life upside down. So many of you are about to become mothers for the first, second, third time. You’re doing it in the middle of a pandemic, in the midst of changing rules and ideas, amidst a sea of changing information. Motherhood, in many ways, feels like a pandemic. The strange thing about the last four months is this eerie sense I have that this already feels familiar. I’ve been here before. We’ve been here before.

Don’t Forget About This When Doing Your Year-End Review

Don’t Forget About This When Doing Your Year-End Review

If you ever feel like the work you are doing in your business isn’t “enough,” or you feel down, like you haven’t accomplished enough, first: I see you, I hear you. I’ve felt the same way so often. Here’s why it can seem like business is so slow, and how to widen the lens to account for all the things (ALL THE THINGS) you really do.