by Sarah K Peck | October 2, 2017
I turn 34 this month, and I thought I’d go back and list all the things I wish my 24-year old self would have known. On the list? Take all the adventures you can. When in doubt, pick something, and then learn from the choosing. Stop trying to be perfect and well-liked, because that is certainly a fool’s errand. And I give my past self advice about money, sex, feminism, and trying to pick the “right” career.
by Startup Parent | July 3, 2017
Dominie Moss is focused on a very specific gap in the market that is wildly underserved: women who have taken a career break and want to get back to work. In her estimation, there are 427,000 women in the UK alone that want to return to executive-level positions and have the talent to do so, but no clear path for what it looks like (yet). Dominie’s company is setting out to fix this.
by Sarah K Peck | June 26, 2017
What does it take to leave a career in venture capital to join a shipping startup—in between your first baby and second baby? Today we get to interview Renee DiResta, co-founder and Director of Marketing at Haven. Renee worked previously in Venture Capital, and before that, on Wall Street. To join a startup with two small kids required some specific negotiations.
by Sarah K Peck | June 5, 2017
Courtney Skott is an award-winning, independent furniture and interior designer. She also wants to talk about blood: women have periods, they have miscarriages, and they have abortions. None of this should be shrouded in mystery or secrecy.
by Sarah K Peck | June 30, 2016
When I contemplated getting pregnant, I thought that it was the right time. I had worked intensely in the corporate world and as an entrepreneur for over a decade, I was still sufficiently afraid of the proposition of becoming a parent (and unsure what it would look...