It’s Okay if Your Baby Cries — Episode #052

It’s Okay if Your Baby Cries — Episode #052

The sound of your baby crying? It’s intense. And when it’s your first child, chances are instinct has you scrambling to get to your kiddo immediately and take care of whatever it is that ails them. But you’re not just responsible for taking care of your new baby. You’re also responsible for taking care of you, too.

Core Value #5 | Things Rarely Go According to Plan

Core Value #5 | Things Rarely Go According to Plan

Babies are the ultimate plan-changers. Inviting a human into your life is inviting chaos in. There’s no right or perfect time to start a business, or have kids. Slowly, parenting and pregnancy (and life) teach us that we don’t have control over everything.

Filling the Gap With a Hidden, Untapped, Talent Pool

Filling the Gap With a Hidden, Untapped, Talent Pool

Dominie Moss is focused on a very specific gap in the market that is wildly underserved: women who have taken a career break and want to get back to work. In her estimation, there are 427,000 women in the UK alone that want to return to executive-level positions and have the talent to do so, but no clear path for what it looks like (yet). Dominie’s company is setting out to fix this.

The Benefits of Choosing to Work During Maternity Leave

The Benefits of Choosing to Work During Maternity Leave

What does it take to leave a career in venture capital to join a shipping startup—in between your first baby and second baby? Today we get to interview Renee DiResta, co-founder and Director of Marketing at Haven. Renee worked previously in Venture Capital, and before that, on Wall Street. To join a startup with two small kids required some specific negotiations.