by Sarah K Peck | March 9, 2020
When it comes to online courses, it seems that we can learn anything these days through the power of the internet. But what courses should you take, and what do you do if you suffer buyer’s remorse? Here’s how I think about what to learn, when to invest in a course, and when to skip it. Also, my two cents on why it’s okay to only do a fraction of the course curriculum. If you learned what you came for, you got what you needed!
by Startup Parent | July 22, 2019
Motherhood, work deadlines, unexpected projects—chaos can descend quicker than you can make your morning coffee. Here are three tools we love to regain focus and clarity.
by Sarah K Peck | May 2, 2018
If you’re busy with work, busy with your kids, busy with life—it can be tough to prioritize friendship. Today, we’re sharing the two scripts I’ve designed for reestablishing friendships. I explain why it’s important to ask for specific advice and approach the practice with sincerity.
by Sarah K Peck | April 30, 2018
If you’re having trouble identifying your strengths and values, Alex Jamieson has your back. The creator of The Fuck It List, she flips the script and guides you in replacing the bad stuff in your life with a positive alternative, crafting a life focused on what you truly care about.
by Sarah K Peck | April 11, 2018
Feeling like we can’t control the outcomes can often leave us stranded, without motivation or, not surprisingly, angry. How can we reframe those goals to reflect the things we can control? And make peace with the fact that we did everything we could, even if it doesn’t work out?
by Sarah K Peck | April 9, 2018
Will we always have to choose between prioritizing our careers or our families? Michelle Florendo realized that starting her own coaching practice would afford her more control and flexibility, but it was a risk.