Gratitude & Connection

If you’re busy with work, busy with your kids, busy with life—it can be tough to prioritize friendship. And social media complicates things by making it seem like you’re in touch when you’re not actually connecting.

I have developed an approach that combines connection with a gratitude practice, a simple proactive approach to reaching out that has helped me rekindle old friendships and bounce back from the bad days when I’m feeling isolated.

Today, I’m sharing the two scripts I’ve designed for reestablishing friendships. I explain why it’s important to ask for specific advice and approach the practice with sincerity. Listen in and learn to stop scrolling and start making authentic connections!

The Startup Pregnant Podcast Episode #054

Some quotes from the episode

  • “We live in a world that is hungry for connection, for friendship, and for kindred spirits in our lives.”
  • “Social media is this false window into connection. It’s … this voyeuristic look at other people’s lives without actually getting into the intimacy and the connection that’s really important.”
  • “You have to exercise not just the muscles in your body, but the relationships and the habits in your brain so that things become second nature.”
  • “Why does this work? It’s nice when other people recognize you. It’s really nice when other people make the first move, and it’s nice to be acknowledged. It’s nice to be noticed.”
  • “The trick here is to be really specific. People generally like connection, and they like being useful.”
  • “If you ask a specific question about their lives or something that you know they might know about, it’s so much better than a like on Facebook or retweet on Twitter—which isn’t actually connection.”
  • “Be honest. Be genuine. Make sure that it’s coming from a place of whole-heartedness.”




Community makes all the difference. So, at Startup Pregnant, we are launching a mastermind program for women who are interested in going deeper around questions about parenting, motherhood and business. To learn more and apply for the beta version starting in June, go to

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