This time of life—fertility, pregnancy, parenting, all while starting and growing your business at the same time—is madness. Plain and simple. It’s nutty, it’s hard, it’s outrageous, it’s tear-inducing, it’s fantastic, and you might want to rip your hair out. This website is for you, in these moments of sanity-insanity. We want to support you, and if there’s something we can do to help you make the next day, week, month, or year a little better, that’s our goal.
If you’re navigating this madness alongside us, know that there are thousands of other entrepreneurs out there, building a little bit each day, trying to succeed despite the odds. Take a look through our resources and grab what’s most useful for you. If you’d like to see something that’s not yet listed here, reach out and send us an email—who knows, maybe we can build it together. Because we’re like that, right? Always building what needs to be built in the world.

Our weekly newsletter is filled with stories, wisdom, and resources for working parents. If you’re a female founder, a business owner, or simply someone working through your own growth as a parent and at a job, we’re the newsletter that has your back.

We’ve interviewed hundreds of female founders and women entrepreneurs about their journeys to building businesses, getting pregnant, pivoting, dealing with the unexpected, and the transformation that can come alongside any of these life adventures. Listen to our podcast on any player or browse through our curated library to listen to episodes by topic.

For those of you that have blitzed through the podcast and want to go deeper (or even get feedback on your ideas and challenges), Sarah hosts a private monthly Q/A series through her Patreon page. Become a backer at the $7/month level and listen to all past episodes—you can add the private podcast link to any player and listen just like a regular show. Want her to look at your project or parenting pickle? Submit your questions in advance and she’ll answer as many as she can each month.
Get access to the private podcast.
Submit a question for the show.

A series of mini-books for working parents, soon-to-be-parents, and people thinking about navigating the pregnancy journey. These books are short and sweet—between 10,000 and 20,000 words each—and meant to be read easily in the midst of your already-busy life. Our first in the series are now available.

After hundreds of books (and thousands of hours reading), we’ve curated our favorite reads on pregnancy, postpartum, parenting, business, and feminism—check a look at our hand-picked reading lists and find your next favorite book.
Check our our pregnancy, parenting, and business reading lists.

We’re a 500-person strong group of female founders and entrepreneurs, as well as freelancers, side hustlers, leaders, corporate builders, managers, and even academics all gathering in one place to talk about what it takes to make working parenting, well, WORK in today’s world.

We’re gathering together in real time, with other women entrepreneurs, away from our kiddos and businesses (well, to the extent that we can—we’ll have options to bring your family and/or work along if you want to!). We’re going to have each others’ backs, and a weekend away is just the thing to regain your sanity, clarity, and sense of self.

A nine-month community group for women in business, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Every year we open the doors for people to join us in an intimate learning space for women at the intersection of business and family. If you’d like to learn more or apply to join, we open applications in January, and the program begins in March.

If you’d like to work together more directly, I’ve worked as a consultant for startups and businesses helping you with your strategic plan, marketing and communications, positioning, and growth. I can also help you put a plan into place for your maternity leave, helping your run your business smoothly. If you’re looking for a coach, get on the waitlist or I can recommend some fantastic partners.