What’s it going to take to get your most important project done?

As business owners—and parents!—we’ve got limited time. SUCH LIMITED TIME. It’s crazy how fast the days fly by and how maddening it is to slot in all of the family logistics across work time and still get anything done.

As we approach the end of the year, and think about the last quarter of 2019, it’s a great time to focus on one final project or sprint. What would make 2019 great for you? What project, if you made some major headway on it, would really move the needle for you?

In today’s episode, I share what I’m focused on for the next 90 days, and how I’m changing the podcast format for the rest of the quarter to help me get even more focused on what I want to ship. If you want to join me and take the next 90 days to focus on a specific goal, share with us in our Startup Pregnant Facebook Group and stay accountable over the next 13 weeks to finishing the year strong.

The Startup Pregnant Podcast Episode #128


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