Before pregnancy, I had no interest in reading about pregnancy or thinking about what was happening. And so I arrived at this period of my life, pregnant and ballooning outwards, bewildered about what was going on, and with (what felt like) no idea what do do about it.

As such, I’ve organized my book recommendations into similar categories: books that might be interesting to you as a non-parent and not-yet-family person (or even as someone who doesn’t know yet if you want to have kids); books on pregnancy, science, and birthing for when you have an insatiable need to read everything you can find about the subject, and books on infants, newborns, and early parenting that aren’t too scary and I’ve enjoyed reading and I like to have around to reference with my newborn.

Books to Read Before You Have a Kid:

If you’re in the same boat or you’re thinking about your own future, this is my favorite book on parenting and staying sane so far:

  • Bringing Up Bebe, by Pamela Druckerman. The wisdom of French parenting. Alex and I read this several years ago when we were just talking about having children.

If you want additional books to think about, toss in one of these non-traditional narrative stories:

Books to Prepare You for Pregnancy and Birth:

I prefer facts and information. When in doubt, tell me more — don’t sugar coat it, don’t avoid topics. Tell me exactly what’s going to happen, where it’s going to happen, and when.

My only recommendation for not getting overwhelmed is this: read the part that you’re currently in, and don’t read ahead too far. In What to Expect, a 900-page book, I read the chapter for each month of my pregnancy during the month I was in. It was like a reference bible for what was happening in my body, and where.

  • Expecting Better, by Emily Oster — A data scientist takes on all of those confusing myths (and taboo topics) of what’s really good & bad during pregnancy.
  • What to Expect When You’re Expecting, by Heidi Murkoff. A classic, 800 pages deep, a dictionary. Read only the chapter you’re currently experiencing or terrify yourself out of pregnancy.
  • Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, by Christiane Northrup. 960 pages thick, I read the chapters on pregnancy & birthing. This and Ina May’s book helped us decide to work with a Doula.
  • Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, by Ina May Gaskin. A beautiful, non-Western approach to bringing children into the world.

Books on Parenting and Newborns:

Here’s the thing: no book is ever really going to tell you how to parent, or make becoming responsible for a newborn any easier.

To make matters worse, there is so much information out there. What I can add is this: every baby, and every family, is different. There is no universal one “right” way, and you’re going to kill yourself with googling if you try to research everything.

Instead, I picked a few resources and people whose opinions I trusted and respected, and that included my pediatrician, the wisdom of science, and the laissez-faire approach of French parenting. These (hopefully) will influence my parenting styles, although I’ll blend it with my own version of “trial and error” and “eh, I guess that works?” as we figure it out as we go.

  • The Science of Mom, by Alice Callahan. Evidence-based approaches to challenging questions, and when we can lean on science, and what we still don’t know much about. This focuses on the first few hours of a newborn’s life, the first few weeks, and challenges like newborn sleep and newborn eating.
  • Bébé Day By Day, by Pamela Druckerman. She brings the wisdom of French Parenting into bite-sized nuggets to remember throughout pregnancy and your baby’s early years. My favorite: remember that you and your partner are as important in this family, too.
  • The New Basics: A-to-Z Baby & Child Care for the Modern Parent, by Michel Cohen. A French Pediatrician’s view on keeping it simple, and it’s alphabetized! So you can look up “ear infection” if that’s your trouble! They tend to have what I call a more “hands off” approach, so when he says to pay attention to something, I know to pay attention.
  • Parent Hacks: 134 Genius Shortcuts for Life With Kids, by Asha Dornfest. Amazing, amazing ways to use your everyday household items to deal with the insanity of raising children. (Who knew a laundry bucket could do so much, like be a baby’s bathtub?)

If you want more (which I did, I started nerding out on books), try these as well:

  • What To Expect The First Year, by Heidi Murkoff. A good guide and reference to have on hand for when you freak out and ask “wait, is THIS normal?”
  • The Happiest Baby On The Block, by Harvey Karp. All about what the baby’s “fourth trimester” is and what they need the first few months of life. My mantra from this was “you can’t spoil a newborn,” which helped me cuddle and feed my little guy a ton in the beginning while I got used to it all.

Going Back to Work, Motherhood, and Careers:

Pick one of the following books to read in order to regain your sanity. It’s like having a wise older sister in your pocket when you feel like you’re scrambling and there’s no way you’ll be able to put yourself back together. (You can.)

And Some Just For Fun:

Because you must, must continue to have fun while parenting. When you start to take yourself to seriously, and wind into the sobs of despair and wonder if you’re any good at this — you’ll need to take a step back and laugh. And cry. And laugh. Because we all, collectively, don’t know what we’re doing, and it’s going to be okay.

  • Home Game: An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood, by Michael Lewis. From the description: “When Michael Lewis became a father, he decided to keep a written record of what actually happened immediately after the birth of each of his three children. This book is that record.”
  • Operating Instructions, by Anne Lamott. Her account of raising her child and what it takes.
  • The Shit No One Tells You, by Dawn Dais. There’s a lot of stuff that no one talks about, and once you’re in it, you think you might be crazy. Until you meet another parent, and hear their accounts, and you smile knowingly and say — oh yes. This. We’re IN IT.

What About You? What Books Do You Highly Recommend? Leave a Note in the Comments Below!