Creating ‘Mantras in Motion’

Mantras can be powerful in helping us reprogram our thinking. Yet, many of us have a hard time making them stick. So, how do we rewire our brains to make affirmations part of our conscious programming?

Erin Stutland’s background in dance combined with her interest in personal development and grew into a practice of ‘mantras in motion.’ She couples positive self-talk with movement to strengthen body AND mind in tandem, and the pairing makes affirmations ‘sticky.’ A concept like courage evolves from an intellectual idea to a physiological sensation: We feel it in our body and it becomes a part of us.

Dancer, Teacher, and Entrepreneur

Today, Erin joins me to share her journey from artist to entrepreneur, explaining how working as a dancer and actor prepared her to run her own business and what inspired her transition to full-time entrepreneur. Erin discusses her journey to motherhood in her late 30’s, offering insight around her empowering experience with IVF, the emotion of being on camera while your body is changing, and the impact of pregnancy on her body image and identity. She also describes her initial ambivalence about becoming a mother and how much she is loving the role thus far. Listen in to understand the questions Erin is grappling with in her business as a new mom—and learn more about her new book, Mantras in Motion!

The Startup Pregnant Podcast Episode #095

Some quotes from the episode

  • “Fitness was a great marriage of movement, dance and also performing—the acting side.”
  • “The next thing that I did was begin to combine self-development and fitness together.”
  • “I was tired of waiting for someone to tell me that I could use my talents and my creativity. That’s what it was as an actor … and I was like, ‘I don’t have time to wait to express myself. I have too much to share, too much to say, and this is holding me back.’”
  • “That’s really what the entire brand is about—creating movement in your body and movement in your life.”
  • “When I got married, and we started having the conversation about family, I had a lot of ambivalence around it.”
  • “Do I want to be a mom? What is that like? Can I be a good mom?”
  • “I don’t think that there’s just one thing, one reason why somebody finally gets pregnant.”
  • “Everybody’s journey is as unique as they are.”
  • “I’m on camera, and I’m growing and expanding. It’s one thing to grow and expand in the privacy of your own life, but I’m literally being watched on camera. It brought up a lot of stuff for me, quite honestly.”
  • “I feel so present and so deeply in love. It’s my most favorite thing that I’ve ever done. I love being her mom.”
  • “Right now, the things that feel hard are not the parenting part. What feels hard is being split between parenting and what to do with business.”

Erin Stutland is a well-known mind-body wellness and fitness expert on a mission to teach people how simple movement in the body can create dramatic movement in your life. Erin’s multi-platform brand reaches 70K-plus people in 155 countries around the world, and her mind-body fitness programs have appeared on The Rachael Ray Show, Fox News, and Glamour Magazine, among many other outlets. She also serves as the cohost of the Z Living series Altar’d, and Erin is the author of the new book, Mantras in Motion: Manifesting What You Want Through Mindful Movement.



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