Changing Your Life In Four Minutes 

How do you do self-care as the mother of five?

How do you do self-care as a mother of five who happens to be running her own business?

How do you do self-care as a mother of five, running her own business AND a living on a farm that serves as an animal sanctuary?

You might be surprised to learn that it is not only possible—but can be done in just four minutes!

Today, Rebekah Borucki joins me to share the contrast in her pregnancy journey from the first child to the fifth and offer insight around what women need to know about the experience of motherhood. She explains how meditation saves her life every day and how she leverages the practice to reframe negative fantasy and understand her own power. I ask Rebekah about life on the farm and how she has transformed part of the property into a community learning space or Lady Church, and she discusses her approach to getting clear on what you want and saying NO to everything else. Rebekah gets real about setting boundaries, building a business that fulfills your purpose, and indulging in a little Netflix along the way. Listen in and learn how to build self-care into your life—in just four minutes!

The Startup Pregnant Podcast Episode #063

Some quotes from the episode

  • “The first [pregnancy] was one of almost being completely disconnected spiritually … though desperately wanting to be the best at it because I wanted to transcend any stereotype of being a teen mother.”
  • “The best way to have a perfect birth for you is to be completely open to anything that can happen and to understand that things are going to change.”
  • “Become in love with the process and not attached to the outcome.”
  • “Acknowledge the tiny successes and the joys along the way because that’s where life is happening.”
  • “If I didn’t have a belief that light existed in every single moment, that there wasn’t another side of my experience, that there wasn’t another side of the coin that would provide healing or at least learning or growth from what I was going through, I would have drowned in my suffering.”
  • “When I’m in those moments of darkness … I just acknowledge that the good is also happening, and it allows me to hold on.”
  • “That’s the first time that I started to understand my own responsibility and my own power to change my circumstances, and I’ve meditated every single day since.”
  • “[My work] has nothing to do with making money and everything to do with fulfilling my life’s purpose.”
  • “We have a shared purpose to love, to be loved, to learn and to teach.”
  • “I want my daughters to grow up to be fiercely independent, empowered women who say ‘no’ when they don’t want to do something and ‘hell yes’ when they do.”
  • “I really attribute my lack of busyness to doing one thing at a time and being engaged in what I’m engaged in—and also, not doing things I don’t want to do.”
  • “I learned, finally, that I had to really want to do it, that it had to feel special, that I had feel excited about it—because those are the things that worked out.”
  • “We all have the same 24 hours as Beyoncé.”
  • “I know how I want to feel, and that guides me.”


Rebekah ‘Bex’ Borucki is the creator of BEXLIFE and the BLISSED IN wellness movement. She is the mother of five AND a TV host, yoga and meditation teacher, Hay House author, birth doula, and transformational coach. Rebekah travels extensively, sharing her passion for yoga, wellness, and meditation, and she has appeared on Dr. Oz, the Lisa Oz Show, and Better TV. She is a regular contributor to online and print magazines, including MindBodyGreen, Positively Positive, and Daily Burn, and Rebekah is the author of You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life.



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