One thing that’s been so important to me in launching the #startuppregnant podcast is remembering how important it is to share a variety of stories and perspectives.

So I’m proud to share that in the first season of the podcast, we’ll hear from foster mothers, gay and queer parents, adoptive parents, single moms, divorced moms, married folks, people who weren’t planning on being parents, people who loved and enjoyed pregnancy, people for whom pregnancy turned everything upside down, those who have struggled silently with infertility for years, women who’ve had abortions, lawyers who suffered from harsh discrimination, first-generation immigrants to this country, and more.

We’ll hear from small-business owners, accidental entrepreneurs, business leaders with runaway successes, people with side hustles, VPs of sales, community organizers, consultants, and many more layers of the entrepreneurial path.

We won’t capture every story in the first ten episodes, but the stories we start with have captured my heart.

And we’re only just beginning — I’ve got a goal of sharing at least 100 long-form interview stories on this podcast as a starting point, and we’ll see where we go from there.

It’s my goal that people who listen in will hear at least one story that reminds them of themselves—so you don’t feel as alone in this world, because you are not alone—and many stories of people for whom you can maybe say, “oh gosh, I didn’t know about this, and now I do.”

These first few weeks have been a whirlwind of launch and I’m so thankful you’re part of this journey!