How To Streamline Your Business — Episode #132

How To Streamline Your Business — Episode #132

This Fall, I took a break from podcasting for three months to focus on writing projects. It turns out “doing it all” isn’t possible, not here, not anywhere—not for me, at least. In my experience, there is always a priority, and you either choose or it chooses for you. This Fall, I took a hiatus from podcasting to focus on writing. Here’s the latest update—and our newest minibook.

Make Space, Opportunities Fill — Episode #129

Make Space, Opportunities Fill — Episode #129

For our fall podcast hiatus, Sarah’s on a break so she can focus on writing. In this first update, she shares how much changed even in the first week of making a decision to pause—and why making space was so important. (Plus, a huge piece of hers was published in Harvard Business Review the week she decided to pause—coincidence? You decide!)

Finding Yourself, And Your New Career, After Kids

Finding Yourself, And Your New Career, After Kids

We know that motherhood will change us, but it’s not always in the way that we expect. Editorial director Liz Kocan shares several women who took pregnancy and motherhood as an opportunity to shake up or switch out of their industries—and why that’s not always a bad thing.