by Sarah K Peck | March 21, 2018
As women have experienced an ‘expansion of options’ in terms of marriage and family, there are a growing number of single ladies. Less than 50% of American women are married and women are increasingly opting to have children outside of marriage. Where will this increasing age of change lead us in the future?
by Sarah K Peck | March 19, 2018
Many online entrepreneurs hang up their shingle without a clear idea of what they stand for or who they want to serve. Toi Smith shares on recognizing her top priorities for her business and her best practices in selecting clients.
by Sarah K Peck | February 19, 2018
So many entrepreneurs struggle with asking for the sale. We hide. We play small. We fail to follow up. How can we cross over into asking for what we want?
by Sarah K Peck | November 21, 2017
You don’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done. And startups are one of the best places to imagine new futures. It’s okay to break things, to rebuild things, and to do things differently than the way that they’ve always been done. Startups and Pregnancy have a lot in common because they are both creators of new things—ideas, businesses, structures, life—and to do so, they harness a huge range of power.
by Sarah K Peck | November 20, 2017
The current version of work—the idea that we work in offices, that we work from 9 to 5, that we’re continuously productive throughout the day, at equal measures—there is overwhelming evidence that this isn’t true. Research shows that we aren’t effective in an 8-hour workday. Work is especially broken for women. And when we layer in parenting, and we try to make all of it fit together, within the paradigm that currently exists, well, what we see is that across the board, it doesn’t fully work.