How to Do an End-of-Year Annual Review

How to Do an End-of-Year Annual Review

We have templates for quarterly, and now annual reviews. Monthly review templates are coming next! Enjoy. Do you do an annual review? I began doing annual reviews in 2010, and it’s been critical for my business and personal growth. Every year, I take the time to...
Don’t Forget About This When Doing Your Year-End Review

Don’t Forget About This When Doing Your Year-End Review

If you ever feel like the work you are doing in your business isn’t “enough,” or you feel down, like you haven’t accomplished enough, first: I see you, I hear you. I’ve felt the same way so often. Here’s why it can seem like business is so slow, and how to widen the lens to account for all the things (ALL THE THINGS) you really do.

How to Do an End-of-Year Annual Review

How To Do An End-Of-Year Annual Review

Every year I sit down and use these ten questions to reflect back on the year, and to look forward and think about the year ahead. Doing an annual review has been one of my favorite practices. Here’s how to do your own.

Things I’d Go Back and Tell My 24-Year Old Self

Things I’d Go Back and Tell My 24-Year Old Self

I turn 34 this month, and I thought I’d go back and list all the things I wish my 24-year old self would have known. On the list? Take all the adventures you can. When in doubt, pick something, and then learn from the choosing. Stop trying to be perfect and well-liked, because that is certainly a fool’s errand. And I give my past self advice about money, sex, feminism, and trying to pick the “right” career.