APRIL: Amy Schumer, Women and Doctors, and Being the Expert of Your Body — Episode #107 With Sarah Peck and Cary Fortin

APRIL: Amy Schumer, Women and Doctors, and Being the Expert of Your Body — Episode #107 With Sarah Peck and Cary Fortin

Do you find space to advocate for yourself in medical situations? Sarah + Cary discuss owning your expertise (you ARE the expert of your body), the dangers for women in a world designed for men, motherhood as a pathway for healing, how to reduce traumatic births, and why we are so fired up about our female elected official here in the US and abroad. News, media + podcast recap in a special April preview + highlight episode airing April 1, 2019.

How To Do An End-Of-Year Annual Review

How To Do An End-Of-Year Annual Review

Every year I sit down and use these ten questions to reflect back on the year, and to look forward and think about the year ahead. Doing an annual review has been one of my favorite practices. Here’s how to do your own.