Building Masterminds and Facilitating Communities: An Inside Look At How I Design Them — Episode #140

Building Masterminds and Facilitating Communities: An Inside Look At How I Design Them — Episode #140

What does it take to nurture and grow community? In this episode of the podcast, I share what I’ve learned about building communities, growing them, and designing online gathering places in a deliberate way. Not everything is as easy as it appears—getting the nuances of timing, logistics, and people right can take a lot of iterations before it comes together. Here’s what I’ve learned about facilitation, group programs, and creating a deliberate space and practices that allow people to come together in community.

The Perfect Mother Myth — Why You’re Not A “Bad Mom.”  Episode #110 with Dr. Alexandra Sacks

The Perfect Mother Myth — Why You’re Not A “Bad Mom.” Episode #110 with Dr. Alexandra Sacks

In our culture, mothers are divided into two camps: the “Perfect Mother” or the “Bad Mom.” This false dichotomy robs women of a shared language to speak about motherhood as it really is: an expansive, grey emotional zone of swirling, conflicting feelings. Dr. Alexandra Sacks guides us a through a new way of looking at motherhood through the lens of “matrescence” — or the natural psychological experience that is the identity transition into motherhood.

APRIL: Amy Schumer, Women and Doctors, and Being the Expert of Your Body — Episode #107 With Sarah Peck and Cary Fortin

APRIL: Amy Schumer, Women and Doctors, and Being the Expert of Your Body — Episode #107 With Sarah Peck and Cary Fortin

Do you find space to advocate for yourself in medical situations? Sarah + Cary discuss owning your expertise (you ARE the expert of your body), the dangers for women in a world designed for men, motherhood as a pathway for healing, how to reduce traumatic births, and why we are so fired up about our female elected official here in the US and abroad. News, media + podcast recap in a special April preview + highlight episode airing April 1, 2019.

How To Hire A Nanny — Episode #103 With Co-Host Anna Frandsen

How To Hire A Nanny — Episode #103 With Co-Host Anna Frandsen

Childcare can feel really overwhelming, especially when you have little babies and you’re trying to figure out how to go back to work. With my first kid, we used in-home daycares. With my second, we hired a nanny. Here’s everything two mamas learned about how to hire a nanny by doing it ourselves (a lot).