ASK SARAH #8: Side Hustles, Personal Branding, Exercise After Pregnancy

ASK SARAH #8: Side Hustles, Personal Branding, Exercise After Pregnancy

Should you start a business on the side while you’re employed full-time? What are the risks and complications—and are you obligated to let your employer know? This is a tricky question, and a lot depends state to state. I dig into the things you should know about corporate contracts, employment agreements, inventions and assignments agreements, and why getting a lawyer to look at your contracts is a really smart investment (and shouldn’t cost you more than a few hundred dollars).

My Entire World Changed Overnight—Episode #136 with Priti Krishtel

My Entire World Changed Overnight—Episode #136 with Priti Krishtel

The process of adopting a child can be long, laborious and fraught with uncertainty. You never know when you’ll get the call or how long it will take, or when you might become a parent. For Priti Krishtel, she got the call late one night that her kid was here, and she jumped on a plane to be at the hospital on the other side of the country just 24 hours later.