ASK SARAH #8: Side Hustles, Personal Branding, Exercise After Pregnancy

ASK SARAH #8: Side Hustles, Personal Branding, Exercise After Pregnancy

Should you start a business on the side while you’re employed full-time? What are the risks and complications—and are you obligated to let your employer know? This is a tricky question, and a lot depends state to state. I dig into the things you should know about corporate contracts, employment agreements, inventions and assignments agreements, and why getting a lawyer to look at your contracts is a really smart investment (and shouldn’t cost you more than a few hundred dollars).

Core Value #4 | Life is Not All Hard Labor

Core Value #4 | Life is Not All Hard Labor

Life is not all hard labor, and it’s not an all-out hustle sprint. In pregnancy, there are distinct phases and changes, with deep periods of fatigue, moments of sickness, periods of high energy and excitement, and everything in between.

Core Value #3 | Work Life Balance is a Myth

Core Value #3 | Work Life Balance is a Myth

The strive towards some sort of perfect work-life balance is a myth. Life is always changing, and our goals are often in tension with each other. Instead of some idealized “balance,” we strive to find the right fit for us as individuals, for this moment, for this season.