Doing It All Is Not The Right Goal

Doing It All Is Not The Right Goal

Trying to “do it all” will get in the way of you accomplishing what you really want to with your limited (and very precious) time. In WWC, we teach you skills around doing less, finding focus, and figuring out what to say no to.

The Next 90 Days—Episode #128

The Next 90 Days—Episode #128

What will you finish by the end of the year? We’ve got 90 days left. Here’s how I think about planning and structuring the fourth quarter of the year—and what to be aware of as we head into the year end.

How to Do a Quarterly Review

How to Do a Quarterly Review

I find monthly reviews and annual reviews both to be great processes for my business growth, but there’s something specific to the quarterly cycle that is the perfect time frame. A month goes by too quickly to gather enough data to make decisions, and a year can be far too long. If a year goes by and you haven’t checked on your goals in a while, you may wake up to find you’re way off track from where you want to be. Here’s the exact system I use in my business planning, the questions I use for reflection, and why a quarterly check-in is so powerful.