Why Listening Well Is More Important Than Giving Advice

Why Listening Well Is More Important Than Giving Advice

It’s fun to brainstorm, to be clever, to solve things. There’s a smattering of satisfaction associated with this—at least for me—because it feels good to solve things. It feels so good, in fact, that I notice sometimes I interrupt, break in, or try to solve something before we’ve even gotten to the root of the question. In our lives, it’s easy to jump right in and propose solutions before we even understand the scope of what’s happening. The trouble is, how do we know that our advice is what really needs to be said? Here’s how and why to listen, instead.

Do You Believe in Your Inner Creativity?

Do You Believe in Your Inner Creativity?

I have a confession: I’ve never thought of myself as a very creative person. When I was younger, and people would insist “but you’re so musical”, my response was always, “yes, but I’m a very technical musician”. Not a lot of value was placed on being creative in the...