Designing Business Structures for Resilience — Episode #181 (with co-host Cary Fortin)

Designing Business Structures for Resilience — Episode #181 (with co-host Cary Fortin)

If you haven’t heard the story of how the Wise Women’s Council started, listen in as we talk about what it took to create a program while five months pregnant and a young toddler at home. Business as usual wouldn’t work, so Sarah asked how to design a business and a high-touch mastermind community differently. The early version of the Wise Women’s Council was forged with a network of teachers and coaches, and has focused on resilience and flexibility since the beginning.

ASK SARAH #4: Designing And Facilitating Groups, Masterminds, and Communities

ASK SARAH #4: Designing And Facilitating Groups, Masterminds, and Communities

What does it take to build, run, and facilitate a group program? In this episode, I dig into how the Wise Women’s Council is put together and my personal experiences in designing and facilitating groups, masterminds, and communities. The Wise Women’s Council is my sixth run at a mastermind. In this AMA episode, I answer how I planned out the group’s structure, created goals, figured out what works for me (and what I hope works for you) and how we can get better at creating other mastermind groups over time.