by Sarah K Peck | February 10, 2020
Lately I’ve been fielding a lot of questions from people about what to expect in the shift from non-parenting to the parenting world. Personally, I find it really challenging when people smile at you and say things like, “Wait and see,” or “You’ll get it when you become a parent.” No thanks—please tell me now! On this episode, I decided to dive straight into the daily tangle that is the parenting logistics required of managing small humans. It is in these daily nuances—and the morning pitter patter of tiny feet—that our work lives and our careers begin to explode.
by Sarah K Peck | May 28, 2018
Put two people in a room together for any length of time, and you’re going to encounter differences of opinion. Engage in any partnership—business, personal or parent-child—and differing experiences will eventually manifest a misalignment of wants and needs. So how can we meet in the middle?
by Sarah K Peck | April 30, 2018
If you’re having trouble identifying your strengths and values, Alex Jamieson has your back. The creator of The Fuck It List, she flips the script and guides you in replacing the bad stuff in your life with a positive alternative, crafting a life focused on what you truly care about.
by Sarah K Peck | April 23, 2018
What if you’re doing everything right—exercising, eating right, self-care and meditation—and you’re still not okay? After Kathleen Shannon gave birth to her son, she appeared to have it all together. But she just didn’t. Though she didn’t realize it at the time, Kathleen was suffering from postpartum depression.