Why We All Need A Space To Speak Honestly—About All Of It

Why We All Need A Space To Speak Honestly—About All Of It

I was chatting on Twitter with a VC at First Round and he had a lot of great points that made me rethink how I explain the value proposition of my projects and products. Unpacking it all here in a blog post in case it’s useful to you to see my thought process. When we describe products, don’t just describe what it is—talk about what it’s for, and why. 

How Our Early Pregnancy Silence May Be Hurting Us

How Our Early Pregnancy Silence May Be Hurting Us

Our culture is shockingly poor at making any space for the experience, or even the possibility, of loss and grief. It’s no wonder that we protect the secret of pregnancy (and ourselves) until we feel we’ll receive a warmer, safer reception. We may have heard these messages enough over the years through pervasive cultural norms and experiences that we are telling ourselves the same things, to make it easier. To make it less painful. But what if this cultural norm does not actually serve us well? What if it isolates us when what we really need is connection and silences us when we need a voice?