My Three Year Old Will Now Reply To All Of Your Emails

My Three Year Old Will Now Reply To All Of Your Emails

I’ve given my three year old my laptop to reply to your incoming emails right now. My one-year old might also be chiming in. I’m having a hard time keeping them away from the keyboard. Don’t worry, I’ve invented a magical device that can also translate their thoughts and actions into words. As of Sunday, they are now responsible for my inbox. You can consider them my new personal assistant.

Toddler Germs: Why Does My Kid Keep Getting Sick? — Episode #138

Toddler Germs: Why Does My Kid Keep Getting Sick? — Episode #138

One of the things I wasn’t expecting as a new parent was how much my kid would get sick. Then someone explained to me how the kiddos are building their new immune system, and I started collecting tips and tricks for how to deal with the onslaught of the cold and flu season. Here’s what’s helped us keep SOME of those colds away.