Summer Break? Where Do the Kids Go While Their Parents Work and Other Thoughts On Summertime — Episode #124

Summer Break? Where Do the Kids Go While Their Parents Work and Other Thoughts On Summertime — Episode #124

Startup Pregnant is taking a summer break! That’s right, we will be off for the month of August, but back to you with fresh weekly content in September. For this summer’s final podcast, Sarah digs into: the real life struggles of being a double working parent family over the summer, the breaks she wishes she’d taken as a new mom and business owner over the past few years, and explains why literal brakes—like on cars—are the real reason we can get so much done.

Why Maternity Leave Should be Less About Time Off and More About Flexibility

Why Maternity Leave Should be Less About Time Off and More About Flexibility

“I worked for myself, so I didn’t have any institutional maternity leave. With my first kid, I was just graduating from graduate school when I got pregnant and it was a very uncertain time. So I basically scraped it together doing freelance consulting and just made it work.” — Morra Aarons-Mele on having three children and running her own consultancy.