by Sarah K Peck | April 24, 2019
Over the past few years, I carried both of my babies so low that the skin between my belly button and my pubic bone became their permanent home. My body, stretched out in like a shelf, my baby curled up on top of it. Navigating my postpartum body and belly that was home to these babies is a journey.
by Sarah K Peck | February 25, 2019
Does it ever feel like the universe is conspiring against you? Well, maybe it’s just that you’re getting shoved in the direction of learning something new, but you haven’t figured out what it is yet. If you’ve had a case of “The February’s,” listen in, because we have, too.
by Sarah K Peck | December 13, 2018
I’m four weeks in to my second time with this newborn phase. Today marks the first day easing back into life’s demands. Here is what surprised me about maternity leave, the second time around.
by Sarah K Peck | November 26, 2018
While maternity leave in the U.S. is already problematic, it is even more challenging for female business owners and entrepreneurs.
by Sarah K Peck | October 22, 2018
Amy VanHaren uncovered a need in her personal life, and a creative idea was born. While she loved breastfeeding, Amy had no choice but to get back to work six weeks after her son was born.
by Sarah K Peck | October 1, 2018
Can parenting be done mindfully, giving your intuition the same weight as what you are reading and hearing from the experts? Can we hack parenting?