Should You Take That Online Course? How To Sign Up For The Right Courses (And Get Your Money’s Worth) — Episode #144

Should You Take That Online Course? How To Sign Up For The Right Courses (And Get Your Money’s Worth) — Episode #144

When it comes to online courses, it seems that we can learn anything these days through the power of the internet. But what courses should you take, and what do you do if you suffer buyer’s remorse? Here’s how I think about what to learn, when to invest in a course, and when to skip it. Also, my two cents on why it’s okay to only do a fraction of the course curriculum. If you learned what you came for, you got what you needed!

Building Masterminds and Facilitating Communities: An Inside Look At How I Design Them — Episode #140

Building Masterminds and Facilitating Communities: An Inside Look At How I Design Them — Episode #140

What does it take to nurture and grow community? In this episode of the podcast, I share what I’ve learned about building communities, growing them, and designing online gathering places in a deliberate way. Not everything is as easy as it appears—getting the nuances of timing, logistics, and people right can take a lot of iterations before it comes together. Here’s what I’ve learned about facilitation, group programs, and creating a deliberate space and practices that allow people to come together in community.