How to Do a Quarterly Review

How to Do a Quarterly Review

I find monthly reviews and annual reviews both to be great processes for my business growth, but there’s something specific to the quarterly cycle that is the perfect time frame. A month goes by too quickly to gather enough data to make decisions, and a year can be far too long. If a year goes by and you haven’t checked on your goals in a while, you may wake up to find you’re way off track from where you want to be. Here’s the exact system I use in my business planning, the questions I use for reflection, and why a quarterly check-in is so powerful.

Three Lists Every Postpartum Mama Needs (an Easier Way to Ask for Help)

Three Lists Every Postpartum Mama Needs (an Easier Way to Ask for Help)

The first few days and weeks postpartum are challenging. Not only are you resting and recovering from the massive feat of bringing a baby into the world— but you’re also transforming in your relationships. Alongside this, I found that communicating clearly to others and setting good boundaries was also quite hard. How do you communicate to those around you what you need and want? How do you tell them how to help, and when it’s too much? In this post I want to share a strategy I love for preparing for your postpartum period: writing out to-do lists for other people ahead of time. Here are three lists you can use in your own planning.

Life Happens — #045

Life Happens — #045

Even if you planned every moment down to the last second, there is always an element of unpredictability that can come into play: life happens. How can we embrace these unexpected curves, breathe, be patient and see what comes next?